Locally Led Climate Action in Jharkhand – Present and Future
Report on the Conference of Panchayats 2.0, a series of sub-regional consultations on climate change, locally led climate actions, and Just Transition in Jharkhand.
Understanding Gaps in Social Security and Social Welfare Provisions for Circuital Migrant Workers in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
The study explores internal labour migration in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh to unravel the trends and patterns of migration in four districts.
Strategies for Building Trust in News: What the Public Say They Want Across Four Countries
A Report analysing what news organisations could do to respond to declining trust and the varying ways in which different groups in select countries think about these strategies.
DisTO India Launch
Mapping digital inequalities, inclusions and skills to foster tangible socio-economic outcomes
Ethnonationalist Gender Norms: How Parties Shape Voter Attitudes toward Female Candidates in India
Journal Article in American Journal of Political Sciences (APJS)
Electing Women in Ethnically Divided Societies: Candidates, Campaigns, and Intersectionality in Bihar, India
Journal Article in Comparative Political Studies (CPS)
Jharkhand aspires to forumate evidence based policymaking for its migrant workers
Coverage of Jharkhand Migration Survey and its policy impact
Cuddles Foundation
Impact Assesment Study of a Nutrition programme for Children Undergoing Cancer Treatment
Tara Mobile Creches
Impact Assesement Study of a Healthcare & Nutrition Prorgamme for Children at Urban Construction Sites
Delhi Mobile Creches
Impact Assesement Study of a Healthcare & Nutrition for Working Mother’s Children